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Children’s social care thresholds inquiry launched

Following a survey by the National Children’s Bureau, which found that 70% of social workers surveyed said the threshold for qualifying as a child i...
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Tackling bullying – guidance for schools

The Department for Education has published guidance to help schools take action to prevent and respond to bullying, as part of their overall behaviour...
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Focus on mental health in schools

The Department for Education has published results of its research into mental health provision in schools and colleges. The research included a natio...
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Career hub feature

Would you like to showcase your latest job vacancies on If you work within the child safeguarding / child prote...
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Mental health provision in schools and colleges

The Department for Education (DfE) has published research into mental health provision in schools and colleges. The research included a national surve...
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Study into safeguarding and radicalisation

The Department for Education has published the results of a study into how local authorities respond to radicalisation. A key finding is that there ar...
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Half of children re-referred to social services within five years

Research commissioned by the Department for Education has found that over 50% of children referred to social services were re-referred at least once w...
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Call to ‘change the narrative’ about children in care

A report on what children in care and care leavers think other people’s views are on care has found that young people in care experience being treat...
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Research highlights challenges in responding to harmful sexual behaviour

Research from the National Children’s Bureau has highlighted a lack of confidence in many professionals when dealing with children who are displayin...