Tools and Resources

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NHS England FGM website launched

NHS England has launched a new website on f...
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Strategy launched to combat decline of children’s wellbeing

The charity Youth Sport Trust has launched a four-year strategy aimed at stopping the decline in children’s physical, mental and social wellbeing, u...
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MPs to assess success of SEND reforms

A group of MPs is to investigate whether government reforms of the system of support for children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND)...
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Facebook is top site for online grooming

The NSPCC has analysed the details of criminal offences recorded by the police in the nine months since it became a criminal offence to have sexual co...
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Children in need of help and protection – call for evidence

The Department for Education has launched a consultation on how educational outcomes for children in need can be improved. The call for evidence is as...
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Campaign to protect children from indecent images

The Home Office has launched a campaign to better protect children from indecent images, and to raise awareness that viewing sexual images of children...
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Northern children ‘too often left behind’

The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a report looking at the issues and experiences of children growing up in the North of England ...
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Corporate parenting principles for looked-after children guidance published

New guidance for local authorities has been published on ‘Applying corporate parenting principles to looked-after children and care leavers’. The ...
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Designated teacher for looked-after children – updated guidance

The Department for Education has updated its guidance on designated teachers for looked-after children. The guidance now applies to academies and to c...