Tools and Resources

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‘Evidence Store’ launched for children’s social care

The What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care has launched a new ‘Evidence Store’ – an online database that looks at the effectiveness of p...
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Chief Medical Officer advises parents and carers on screen time

The Chief Medical Officer for the UK has published commentary an independent research on the connections between the number of screen-based activities...
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Safeguarding children online in early years settings

The UK Council for Internet Safety has published guidance to help those working in early years settings consider their practice and take steps to safe...
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Plan published to ensure effective early intervention

The Early Intervention Foundation has published a major new report setting out a ‘bold plan of action’ to ensure effective early intervention is a...
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Care system ethnic inequalities highlighted

Research by the University of Huddersfield has found huge variations in the likelihood of children from different communities being looked-after. The ...
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Almost half of children not told why they are in care

A survey of more than 2,600 children has found that almost half of four- to seven-year-olds in care have not had the reason for them being there fully...
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Reducing criminalisation of looked after children

The Department for Education has published a protocol on reducing criminalisation of looked-after children – a framework to help social care and cri...
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County Lines guidance published by the Home Office

The Home Office has published guidance for staff working with children, young people and vulnerable adults on dealing with county lines – gangs and ...
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Livestreaming and video-chat risks highlighted

Results of a survey by the NSPCC has highlighted the risks faced by children and young people when using the internet, in particular the dangers of li...